Contact the office at (832) 539-1620 if you have questions regarding an appointment.
You will need to bring the following items to your appointment:
-Your Insurance Card
-Photo ID
-Previous Medical Records
-List of Your Medications: Including the dosage and times you take them
-List of Your Concerns: Issues you want to discuss with your physician.
-Your Payment: Please be prepared to pay your deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, outstanding balances and any other amounts due at the time of your visit.
New Patients should arrive at least 15 minutes early to complete the Medical forms in the office or print the forms from the “Patient Info” tab and bring to the office. Taking this step can decrease your wait time at your appointment and give us the information we need about you. We look forward to seeing you at our location!
We accept most insurance plans, cash and credit cards. Please obtain a referral prior to receiving care if your insurance plan requires you to do so. Contact our office today at (832) 539-1620 to stop your foot and ankle pain.