How did I get toenail fungus?
Nail fungus (onychomycosis) develops gradually as foreign fungal invaders, especially dermatophytes, enter your nail bed. While anyone of any age can have fungal nails, they’re particularly common in older adults. The reason behind this is that seniors have age-related issues, such as decreased blood circulation and a weakened immune system, that increases their risk of infections.
But a number of other factors can contribute to nail fungus, too. It’s possible that you got nail fungus as a result of:
If you have diabetes, your chances of fungal nails increases due to circulation problems and a weakened immune system.
What are the symptoms of nail fungus?
Nail fungus often starts out as whitish spots on your nails. As the fungal infection spreads, you may find that your toenails become:
Nail fungus can affect just one nail, or it can affect multiple nails. Plus, if you have it in your toenails, you risk spreading it to your fingernails, or even to someone else. The sooner you start treatment for a toenail fungus infection, the easier it is to resolve.
Do I need treatment for nail fungus?
Yes. Nail fungus is a stubborn infection, so ignoring it or trying to treat it on your own can lead to further complications, including losing the toenail entirely. At Elite FootCare of Texas, you can receive innovative nail fungus solutions designed to tackle the most complex fungal infections.
Dr. Shepherd evaluates your feet and talks with you about your symptoms. Depending on the severity of your nail fungus infection, your treatment plan can include:
You may even be a candidate for laser fungal nail treatments with the revolutionary Nexus 10 system. This pulsed-dye laser treatment gently heats your nail bed and destroys parasitic fungus.
With laser nail treatments, healthy, new, clear nails start to grow in over time. No matter which type of treatment is best for your needs, you can expect relief from fungal nails at Elite FootCare of Texas.
Schedule your evaluation at Elite FootCare of Texas today. Book an appointment online or call the office directly.